Wednesday, 11 May 2016

The More Excellent Way: Love

Just like a mere thought…
Just this morning as I was praying, majorly confessing how much of God’s Love resides in me and how much consumed I am by it that expressing it towards others becomes a spontaneous thing, I had an insight dropped on my inside like a question and, amazingly, a stream of answer began to flow immediately. The question started out like, “do you really know why Apostle Paul referred to Love as ‘the most excellent way’ even after expatiating on several amazing and admirable gifts of the Holy Spirit which are in every way needed in the church and highly worthy of being coveted?”. Immediately searching through my spirit, being fully persuaded that the Holy Spirit would not bring up a question in one’s heart unless He is ready to provide the answer, the answers came rushing in so fast as though they would soon fly away…smiles.

What about the gifts?
The demonstrations of the gifts of the Spirit are obviously a depiction of a greater or supernatural force in action. They keep reminding us even in the sense realm of the non-stop existence of our living God. They encourage the hearts of believers to want to become more grounded in their knowledge of God. They convince unbelievers of the might or mightiness of our all-powerful God, put their senses to shame, and by so doing, create a free course for the gospel in their hearts and draw them to the place of repentance and salvation. However, some(unbelievers) could still attempt to explain them way by trying to class them with the various duplications by the proponents of the dark kingdom—the fortune tellers, the sorcerers, the magicians, etc. They tend to mimic these spiritual demonstrations in the most cunning ways, eventually coming up with some “fake things” enough to beguile some weak minds, even some not-so-informed believers.
Love, the fundamental proof…
Now the point is this, this God-kind of Love in a believer cannot be duplicated; morality falls flat beside it. It cannot be possessed by any other means besides being in Christ. It is the most vivid indication of the presence of God in a man (1John 3:14). It is the strongest pointer to the need for a kind of life (zoe) which is accessible only through the Saviour (Jesus Christ) and which is impossible to obtain by mere human will or might(Luke 10:25-28). The greatest of all wisdom literatures on morality and right living stand worthless and speechless at the sight of this kind of life in demonstration. It is a kind of love that gives even when there is no legal assurance or indebtedness on the part of the receiver to return the kind gesture. It enables it bearer or vessel to love each and every person he meets on his path profusely unconditionally irrespective of the person’s portfolio of race, gender, religion, or perspectives to life. This love values everyone—believers and unbelievers—with the same value it places on Christ, understanding the fact that the true value or worth of anyone or thing is how much one is willing to pay for it. It cost God to purchase in arrears and in advance (Romans 3:25-26) every single person on earth and everyone should be valued as such. Yes, some may not yet have entered into the plan of God by the reason of ignorance. Their worth, nevertheless, still remains Christ even in their unsaved state. This is how God values every human, and only the God-kind of love perfectly understands this and treats everyone on his way as such.

That’s not all…
It is patient and kind towards all, causing its vessel(the believer) to be willing to inconvenience himself physically for the sake of others’ wellbeing, in order to gain that priceless joy, comfort and convenience that can only be got from within: from an acquaintance to and agreement with the cravings of the new man, all culminating in expressed love. The God-kind of love just cares for and is ever happy to see everyone it sees on his way even without having any logical reason to do so. It does not envy because it causes its bearer to understand and recognize his uniqueness (in purpose, vision and course in life). He boasts not in his human self but only in the Lord, his source of succour(1Cor.1:31, Heb.13:5-5, 2Cor.3:5). He is never proud and never dishonours others because he places everyone on the same pedestal as Christ in value. the bearer of this Love has the immeasurable ability to absorb anger and dissolve it in no time, keeping no record of even done to him. He feels strong disgust toward any involvement with evil and rejoices with whatsoever is in tune with the truth of the gospel, always in readiness to bring everything—lifestyle, decisions, steps, approach, likes and involvements—to the obedience of Christ and His finished work.
Come on…there is still more…

He selflessly protects the image of others whether they are present or absent, speaking evil of no man. He trusts to see the best spring up in the lives of others, their prevailing current circumstances notwithstanding. He keeps hoping for greater things ahead at all times no matter the discomforting situation (Romans 5:5. 8:18). He is not self-conscious and self-seeking; he is simply need-driven. He does not think about his possible apparent incapability or care about social image. He clearly sees needs, simply believes all needs can be met by the kingdom citizens (Luke 13:32,Matt.5:13-14) and goes ahead to employ his resources(Eph.1:3,2Peter 1:3) to meet these needs of people—both spiritual and physical.
A present day reality; workable and simple!
This Love is not just a mere theoretical fact with interesting appealing compositions or characteristics meant for head-knowledge and erudite exposition. Rather, it is a spiritual truth with free access by the new creation person as I have come to know experientially. Unbelievers can resist your “theory of salvation” if that’s all salvation seems to mean to you presently—a sound theory—but they definitely cannot deny or resist the message wrapped up in this life of love we talk about. It is not just a life to be hoped for in the age to come. No! It is a present time reality of the new creation man even in this present age. It is not something to be struggled about in order to obtain. It is simply are the core of the new creation’s life—automatically!—ready to be worked out. And whatsoever is from God is simple in approach or procedure and never burdensome (Matt.11:28-30). If you feel so burdened, or out of balance, weighed down or miserable in your walk with God presently, then you simply are yet to get something right somewhere. Go to God in prayer, seek that He reveals His truths to you, spend time with the word and be expectant of revelations, the lay hold on what you get and walk in it—as simple as that! You may need the help of fellow believers in this. So search your heart and approach anyone you perceive could be in possession of what you need—especially those who already are walking in the reality of that which you are seeking.
Releasing yourself to the flow of Love…
God has called us into a life and given us just one singular commandment of love to live peaceably in this arena, always working it in us(Phil.2:13). So all we need do is to moving with His flow on the tricycle of scriptures reading, prayer, and songs of praise and worship. It is as simple as that! As you give yourself to these activities consistently, genuinely, and not mere religiously, the outflow of this life of law just becomes so spontaneous through you that giving or showing love becomes easier to you than doing otherwise. You start seeing need through the eyes of love, and meet them through the abilities of the Holy Ghost.
Then alongside this, almost without consciously planning for it, you find yourself always reigning in life above situations, sins, sicknesses and everything that is against the realities of the finished work of Christ. Spiritual things are simple; the spiritual life is meant to be simple. And it is! All we need is the right understanding which can only be acquired by our conscious decisions and efforts to get ourselves acquainted with the Father of Love, who freely gives us all things, through the various resources that abound around us—spirit-lifting sermons by result-producing men of God, in addition to the basic ones already mentioned(the tricycle).
Get it straight, lay hold on it, and keep reigning…

God’s love is real both towards man (salvation) and it is also the present day reality expressible through the believer (Christian living). It is meant to be expressed, not just talked about, wilfully, enjoyably, peaceably…not a thing to be struggled with. As many as have found out the simplicity of this life of love;
We keep resting in grace,

Walking in Love,

And in life, we reign as kings.

Glory to God!

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