search for purpose is at the core of every man’s heart. It is a hunger put
inside everyone by the Creator to serve as a guide that lifts us towards the
course of life that brings maximum satisfaction, fulfilment, and sense of significance—as
every man so desires. It is a thirst so intense that nothing else can satisfy
besides patiently searching out for it, finding it, and then running with a
vision that shoots out of its discovery.

God’s Real intent…
Living a life of significance has
been God’s idea from creation. It has been his desire that everyone would
discover their unique God-given purpose and then run through life with a unique
vision, thereby deriving their sense of fulfilment from having accomplished his
purpose through Him. Like aforementioned, until a man finds out his purpose,
that is the “why” behind his existence, nothing else will consistently satisfy.
Moreover, any attempt to go ahead and discover it or run with a vision apart
from the One who placed the content on our inside would only at best result in
an underutilized potential, distorted fulfilment, and bad success (a success at
the expense of something of equal or more importance in one’s life), and at
worst, deeper and deeper sinking into a life of indulgence, depravity, or frank
wickedness resulting from an attempt to find an alternative to the original—which
only proceeds from God.
Wake-up Call…
If almost every day you wake up, you
do not have so much enthusiasm to enter into the new day, then, this message is
for you. If you usually look up to the next opportunity to fall asleep just to
escape the realities of boredom, disinterest and challenges faced at work, in
school, or at home, and then wishing to have an endless sleep lest you wake up
to find out the difficult and hard realities are still existing; then that is a
convincing enough indication that you really need to understand the subject of
Purpose. With a sense of purpose, each day is seen as a reason to be grateful
to God for providing another opportunity for moving closer to the apprehension
of the immeasurable fulfilment that comes from living for purpose. If pleasurable
things like watching movies, partying, chatting aimlessly, pointless chatter or
gist are the only activities that keep you high or free from boredom; if you
cannot stand your being alone for any length of time and yet feel good and therefore
helplessly crave for the company of friends, movies, toys, tasty things(food)
for you to feel alright, then these series on purpose is truly for you.
Are you still there?
If you are so eaten up with jealousy
towards friends, colleagues or relatives that you cannot stand the sight of
their successes and be genuinely happy for them—from down deep within you—then you
really need to discover your unique meaning and purpose in life. With the
understanding of the uniqueness of our individual purposes, we would come to
realize that there is really no basis for comparison, competition, envy or
jealousy among us as humans. Though our transient societal value systems try to
make us believe that these strong feelings and mind-sets are normal, yet they
are not—from the Creator’s point of view, of course! Why? Simply because we, as distinctive
individuals, have unique abilities and potentials that are different not really
in degree, but in kind. I really hope you got that! With the right concept and
appreciation of purpose, every other person’s success is an opportunity to
learn another success principle to be inculcated on our journey towards the
pinnacle of significance.
No offence meant—trust me!
If you find it quite difficult to
give yourself to discipline, to say “No” to some frivolous, unproductive and
self-destructive acts or activities, and to successfully stand by these
decisions, then you need a bigger “yes” burning on the inside of you—which only the sense or
discovery of purpose can supply. If, as a student or employee, you do not really like
being cumbered with so much workloads as you currently have in school or at work, but then you become so quickly bored
upon any short break from the same work or school, and soon start craving for
resumption into the same duties or activities you so despise; it, thus, passes
a message that you aren’t free yet: you are still enslaved! I’m sorry if that
hurts. No offence meant—believe me! And the fact is this: you can’t change what
you tolerate. Some bitter pills of realities need to be swallowed sometimes so
that we can forcefully spit out the disgusting vomits of lifestyle that has
held us bound to mediocrity for so long. If you can presently relate to this,
if it is (similar to) your present situation, then you may try considering the
freedom from external limitations and subconscious oppressions that a
purpose-driven life has to offer.
If you constantly feel the pains or pang of inferiority
complex and low self-esteem such that you almost never see anything worth
taking pride in about yourself, understanding your God-given purpose will do
more than morphine in curing the pain, I promise!

Where do we then go from here?
With all this said and found
indisputable, the big questions then are, “where do I go from here?”, “How do I
find that unique purpose of mine?”. Moreover, even before that, “what is ‘purpose’?”,
“How about ‘vision’—how do they both differ?”. Answers to these questions shall
be the contents of our subsequent articles in these series on the subject of
Purpose. Watch out for subsequent posts!!!
Great piece of writings Allen! So glad I read it. Looking forward to the subsequent series. Well done!