Wednesday, 11 May 2016

A call to an Extra-ordinary Life

Success and greatness do not come by merely wishing for them. Rather, they come by working at them. If wishes were all it takes, then the world would currently have been inhabiting more great men and women than it currently does. If wishes were horses, they say, even beggars would ride.

Making the case
The world is full of many mediocres and very few exceptional people because only very few are ready to step out of their comfort zone and do what does not come naturally. The majority of people are driven by fleeting feelings—sleeping when they feel like and as long as their body wants, playing when they feel like, watching movies when they feel like and working when they feel like. All their lifestyles revolve around their feelings. Their decisions are driven by mere feelings unless otherwise constrained by an external force like the demand of formal education and the education system that, for example, coerces you to read whether or not you feel like it. “I will do it when I feel like it”, such is the summary of the inner drive of a mediocre. But the exceptional men and women are those who have chosen to be more intentional about their lives. They do not just do what comes naturally, or what their feelings tell them. The have the habit of asking “what do I need to do now?” They measure their decisions against their clear priorities of what they consider most important in life base on the unique purpose of God for their lives. And they just go ahead to do it, whether or not they feel like it. Interestingly, feelings are very transient and have a very low staying power. They may try to stand against you initially, but if you choose to necessarily defy them and consistently go for what needs to be done, the feelings soon catch up and flow with your decisions.

The call…
So, resolve to be exceptional! Choose to be different! Be courageous! Go beyond doing what is ordinary—there are too many people doing that already! Make a decision for the extraordinary life! Run beyond the ordinary lane—there are too many folks on that track already! Go the extra-mile—there are only very few people there! There is never over-crowding up there. Step out of the crowd—there is never hold-up on the extra-mile, because there no many people with the inner drive to get themselves there.

Where are you headed for?
Are you going to be a minister? Choose to be a great one. Spend more time on your knees than an average Christian would do! Spend more time on the study of scriptures. Resolve to study hard; pay attention to church history and the stories or the great men of God of old—learn from their victories and failures. And determine to always give the people values for their resources, efforts and time spent in the church. Determine to see men and women who will invade the systems of the world with the values and influence of the Kingdom.

Beyond the pulpit…
Are you going to be a lecturer, an engineer a nurse, a business man or women, a fashion designer a philanthropist, or whatsoever? Spend time to identify and learn the rudiments; find out stories about those who have go through a similar path and have obtained results similar to the one you seek—those who have gone ahead—climb on their shoulders by learning from their wealth of experience—the time is too short to learn everything by your own experience only—and resolve to fly higher than they ever did. Nothing is so exceptional about merely reproducing or repeating the accomplishment of another man. It is never part of God’s plan. In His agenda of things, the glory of the later is always greater than the former.

Resolve to step out…
So whatever you have discovered that you are meant to do, start out in time. Identify the principles that guide the results you hope for and give yourself to applying those principles. Be aware there will be challenges and obstacles, and resolve to face them headlong. Build your faith muscle with every challenge; they are not there to get you down, but to make you stronger and better balanced and mature to handle the character-demanding state of greatness.
If you will do this, then excellence is guaranteed! So decide to go the extra-mile! Defy every constraining fleshly feeling! Shun the distractions of many voices around calling your attention. Choose to give yourself to discipline until discipline becomes a habit! Decide to look out for people's needs and resolve to meet them—these are the lunch of champions! Remember, “indifference finds excuse, but love always finds a way”. Make your life count and make up your mind for the great life. There is always room at the top for those who resiliently set out for it. See you there! I call you blessed!

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