Monday, 13 June 2016

Love Irressistible!

What the world hates…
Soul winning has become more challenging than in the earlier days of Christianity. Mentioning the need for Jesus Christ to the people we daily meet, and the salvation that came through Him has become one of the least spontaneous thing by most believers, largely because many have mostly lost touch of what Christianity is truly about. Many believers aren’t even bold enough to be assertive about their stand in Christ because they have very little understanding of the life in Christ. Christianity seems to be the least concept the people of the world want to hear, partly because most of them had encountered some acclaimed Christians who didn’t seem to represent God and the Kingdom well, and then went on thinking they had tried out the “God of the Christians” but found Him not worth serving. Really when I sometimes think about the attempt of many believers at getting some other people to accept what they claim to be salvation, I really see a justifiable reason for the hard-hitting arguments and, many times, quarrelling and rejection we face from prospective believers—the people of the world. Come to think of it! How do you expect someone to just drop his strongly held view, opinion, or theory and simply take up yours simply because you choose to talk about it and, most times, in an annoying, pestering way? That’s what happens when all that salvation  means to us is mere theoretical or theological proofs of what Christ did—how he died, was buried and resurrected.

What the world needs…
There is a love walk for the believer. The gospel becomes irresistible on the lips of a new man who’s life has been evidently consumed and ruined by God’s love. He just doesn’t talk about mere theory. He is an epitome of what he professes—Love—he thinks love, talks love, and walks love. His words are an extension of what he’s already become, and not just a mere recounting of an ancient story handed down from the ages.
Oh! No wonder that strong conviction forcefully burst forth from the heart of Apostle John as he held his “pen” to express His revelation to the saints of old when he wrote, “that which was from the beginning…” but he refused to stop there, “…which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have touched—this we proclaim concerning the Word of life.” He wasn’t a story teller. Rather, he was a stakeholder in the fellowship of this Life, lovingly willing to share what he’s got with those he so loved. This is the kind of Christians the world wants, and needs to see. So should be the case with every believer willing to do effective witnessing to the world about the Kingdom and the life we have as Christ’s ambassadors. The believer’s life should be overwhelmed by love towards fellow men (believers and unbelievers) so unconditionally that he becomes irresistible because love is irresistible.
A prophecy…
I see an era of “Love Revolution” where believers everywhere become love such that everywhere we go, people want and thirst after what we have. An era when believers are so need-driven that we are not self-conscious—thinking about our human weaknesses and incapability—but always fully conscious of God’s power at work in us to meet the needs of people no matter the state they are(saved or unsaved) when we meet them. An era when love just drives believers to want to find solutions to the problems of people we daily meet on our paths such that our faith works so effortlessly and the power of God flows through us so freely towards others causing the unsaved to crave so dearly for salvation, enriching the poor with insights into kingdom-oriented prosperity, providing the confused with directions, and causing the sick to be healed.

The birth of these insights…
Shortly before I took out my pen to write, I had an experience that birthed these insights. I lay on my bed to take a nap this evening at about 6pm. And at about some minutes to seven o’clock (as I woke up around that time), I found it so difficult to just open my eyes and get off the bed in spite of my having no urge for more sleep. I felt this supernatural flow of God’s love flowing through me towards all men. It was so intense and profound that I never wanted to step out of that realm by opening my eyes lest I lose the pleasurable experience. I just felt this love driving me towards all men. I could not think about any singular specific being exactly. It was obviously towards the whole of the human race, not based on any distinct quality or character of any being. It was so unconditional! In the midst of this whole experience, I heard these words from my within, “we (believers) are just motivated by love”. This is supposed to be the daily, moment-by-moment state of mind of every believer.

What kind of believer ought ye to be?
I am sure I am not the only one who’s had this experience— from an “edification moment” I had with a friend (Adisa Omotayo) recently, he seemed to have had something similar. He is a man so full of love the he’s irresistible. I am so convince that this is the life God really desires of every believer, and He is so committed to working it out in us. I see a generation of believers with not just a one-time experience of this love, but with a consistent lifestyle that bespeaks it; believers with sincere readiness, more than had been in other times, to get drown in the love of God that the fullness of God is literally made so manifest to the world that they just cannot resist its magnetizing ability; believers who, in the face of needs, always find ways and not faults or excuses.
Oh…how I long to see this in manifest demonstration in the lives of believers of this age! But of this I am certain, it shall happen so shortly soon! Did I just say ‘soon’? Oh…it’s happening already!

Oh…Glory to God!


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